I have installed TextPlayer and now what?
A: Start TextPlayer application. If you want to listen to a text from a web site,
than open Internet Explorer. Navigate to a web site. Move mouse pointer over a paragraph that you want to listen;
the paragraph is being highlighted with light yellow color and surrounded with red border.
This is an example text. The text is highlighted with light yellow color and surrounded with red border.
Click on the highlighted paragraph, the paragraph text is being added to the TextPlayer's play list.
(see demo video - 10.7 Mb)
You can add as many paragraphs (text blocks) as you want.
Another way to add a text is to copy it from any
Internet Explorer, any MS Office family product, MS Outlook, Adoby PDF reader, Firefox, Opera or any other application ,
by using "Copy" and "Paste" operations. If "Auto Copy" checkbox is checked ( by default it's checked ) than the
text will be automatically pasted to the TextPlayer's play list as soon as the text is copied, otherwise use
Paste button.
Click Play button
to play the text.
*Internet Explorer, any MS Office family product, MS Outlook, Adobe PDF reader, Firefox, Opera or any other application