TextPlayer Where text can become sounded.
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Q: I have installed TextPlayer and now what?

A: Start TextPlayer application. If you want to listen to a text from a web site, than open Internet Explorer. Navigate to a web site. Move mouse pointer over a paragraph that you want to listen; the paragraph is being highlighted with light yellow color and surrounded with red border.

This is an example text. The text is highlighted with light yellow color and surrounded with red border.

Click on the highlighted paragraph, the paragraph text is being added to the TextPlayer's play list. (see demo video - 10.7 Mb) You can add as many paragraphs (text blocks) as you want. Another way to add a text is to copy it from any source* , by using "Copy" and "Paste" operations. If "Auto Copy" checkbox is checked ( by default it's checked ) than the text will be automatically pasted to the TextPlayer's play list as soon as the text is copied, otherwise use Paste button. Click Play button to play the text.

*Internet Explorer, any MS Office family product, MS Outlook, Adobe PDF reader, Firefox, Opera or any other application

Q: Can I save the text that I have added to the play list for later listening?

A: Yes, you can. Once you have a text in the play list you can always save it by clicking on Save button. Click Load button to load it back to the play list.

Designed for © Microsoft Windows and Internet Explorer

Q: Where can I get Text-to-Speech Engine?

A: Go to our support page and follow installation instructions.

Q: What other languages can TextPlayer speak?

A: Technically TextPlayer can speak any language. You can download and install the following languages from our support page: American English, British English, Dutch, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese (Brazilian), Russian and Spanish.

Q: Why I don't hear any voice while a text is being played?

A: Make sure the default voice device on your PC is not muted. Go to "Control Panel" and click on "Sounds and Audio Devices". Also try to adjust volume of PC speaker.

Q: Why some text in the Internet Explorer is not highlighted when I hover mouse pointer over the text?

A: Developers of the web sites not always use paragraphs as text holders. If a text can not be highlighted you have to select the text using mouse pointer than right click on the selected text and click on "Copy" menu item or use "Ctrl+C" shortcut.

Also get Password Manager FREE!
- Stores all your passwords secure, AutoFills and AutoLogins to the web sites.

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