If you heard that an armed revolt were under way what would you do?

only votes from unique IP (more accurate)
join in with the revolutionaries? 59.3 % 108 votes
join in with the government forces? 14.3 % 26 votes
hide and pray for the shooting to stop? 9.3 % 17 votes
I'm not sure 15.4 % 28 votes
wait to see who was winning and then join forces with them 1.6 % 3 votes
Total votes: 182    (Back to vote form)
all votes, including DUPLICATE IP (less accurate, possible fraud)
join in with the revolutionaries? 60.6 % 114 votes
join in with the government forces? 13.8 % 26 votes
hide and pray for the shooting to stop? 9.0 % 17 votes
I'm not sure 14.9 % 28 votes
wait to see who was winning and then join forces with them 1.6 % 3 votes
Total votes: 188    (Back to vote form)
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