What would you do if the government gave you & every taxpayer 100k as part of a stimulus?

only votes from unique IP (more accurate)
Buy a house or pay off your mortgage 33.9 % 43 votes
Go on vacation 0.8 % 1 votes
Buy a car, electronics, or personal item 1.6 % 2 votes
Put it into savings 20.5 % 26 votes
Invest in the stock market 5.5 % 7 votes
Pay off debt 37.8 % 48 votes
Total votes: 127    (Back to vote form)
all votes, including DUPLICATE IP (less accurate, possible fraud)
Buy a house or pay off your mortgage 33.1 % 43 votes
Go on vacation 0.8 % 1 votes
Buy a car, electronics, or personal item 1.5 % 2 votes
Put it into savings 20.0 % 26 votes
Invest in the stock market 5.4 % 7 votes
Pay off debt 39.2 % 51 votes
Total votes: 130    (Back to vote form)
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